Sunday, February 25, 2007

No Longer All By Myself

The world is suddenly back on its axis. Celine Dion has returned. And in a big way. What better way to come out of hiding out at Caesar's Palace than looking more beautiful than ever singing at the Academy Awards?

Who cares about the winners and the rest of the show (Although the body contortionist people are awesome!)? My heart can now truly go on!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Rock My World

I'm usually not a big fan of awards shows, but at the end of my rope with all my normal procrastination measures last night, I decided to tune into the Grammy's.

All I can say is WOW! I developed a girl crush on Carrie Underwood who sang just about the most fascinating version of Desperado. And the sexy collaboration between her and Rascal Flatts almost made me MELT. And I gained a whole new persepctive on Mary J. Blige. Man that woman can sing. Though the red pants suit disturbed me a bit.

The only major complaint I have is omigosh why did Many Moore look like a giant? She was seriously massive on the screen. I understand that next to Leanne Rimes she might look a little big, but she looked like the Jolly Green Giant. And in a very bad dress. Mandy, I love you. Please do not do this to me.

On a side note the New Englanders have brain washed me. Yesterday I stepped outside and thought sure is warm today. Displayed on the Killian's sign that I passed on my way into the city, I realized it was 32 degrees. I think 32 degrees is warm. The gods must be crazy.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Kristoff Kiss Off

He hasn't written back yet. I've resolved myself to checking my email every ten minutes, rather than every five. I think he might be in Nepal. Bad internet connection? Maybe he lost his laptop. Maybe he is feeding hungry children and doesn't have the time now to respond-though he really wants to. Maybe he is walking around trying to create the perfect response to his biggest fan.

Maybe I need to get a life. Or a new subject to email. Anderson Cooper, watch your inbox. Your my new journalistic source (and love). And people say I'm fickle.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bold and Beautiful

I can't even send my food back if I get the wrong entree. But I just finished emailing Nick Kristoff asking for an interview. Holy Crap. Boston has made me bold. For those you are keeping track, if he agrees to speak with me, I will have interviewed TWO of my top idols (Anita Diamant being the first). That alone is worth my $50,000 a year tuition.

Monday, February 05, 2007

H-E-Lots of Hockey Sticks

I would like to preface this blog with a quick statement. Screw Al Gore. And his Inconvenient Truth. You know what's inconvenient for me? When I have to ride the T with people who smell like vomit, are vomiting, or girls that shove me out of the way to ride one block causing me motion sickness and the need to vomit.

Where does this anger stem from? I went to a BU Hockey Game on Friday night. And since there is no parking at the arena, I parked behind my beloved store and took the T down to the arena. Big mistake. Looking back on it, I should have risked the hypothermia and loss of my toes but instead I got on the T of Terror. Next time I must use public transportation I am bringing a bottle of perfume. That way I can spray anyone who happens to be sending a stench my way as well as squirt some in the eyes of the girls who think they have the right to stand where I am. Your Prada bag is not a license to be rude. Plus mine is so much cuter.

So onto what really matters: hockey. Love the game. Hot guys smashing each other into walls. Its pretty amazing. And when they screw up they go to time out. Now here is a sport where inventors really went right. To reach men, you MUST meet them at their level. In my experiences, men happen to be nothing more than three year olds in bigger, hairier bodies with bottles of beer instead of bottles of milk. So shouldn't punishments for men model those of a three year olds? When little Johnny pushes his baby sister he goes to the corner. When big Johnny pushes big hot opponent, he goes to the corner. Reinforcement of the rules goes a long way. I bet some child psychologist thought of hockey sometime after figuring out how to make a dog salivate.

Final sentence: BU tied. But oh the possibilities of mankind winning if we all took a lesson from those inventors of the penalty box.