Monday, April 16, 2007

Team Kate

Aside from all the accusations about Kate's mommy asking for the toilet after meeting the queen or chewing gum throughout their entire meeting this quote was perhaps the most disturbing to me:

"Don't rush down the aisle - we don't want another DIANA," Queen Elizabeth was said to have told him.

Certainly the world would go under if another beautiful and charasmatic woman touched the lives of those that the Queen barely recognizes as existing. Why does she continue to insist that Diana was synonymous with the plague?

As for William, I continue to be confused as to why so many are joyous about the breakup. If Kate wasn't good enough, I'm sorry but you aren't either.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Come And Fill This Place

I found this so profoundly inspiring that I just had to type it up and post it....

"When I see that a person has a deficient in his or her relationships with people, I know they have a deficient in their relationship with God. When we are rightly relating with God, we gain the ability to rightly relate to others. The key is to discover what is missing in their relationship with God."

And it gets better...."Noncommunicative? How much are you praying and talking to God? Distant? Maybe you have a hurt that you haven't allowed God to heal. Always nagging? How's your trust level with God."

I know that I have issues with some of these in some of my relationships (and others in other ones) and people who have relationships with me may be dealing with this too. Kinda nice to know God is watching out for me and meeting me when I feel like I need him most. I always try to make it so much harder than it has to be and sometimes I feel like he just has to hit me over the head!!!!

Although there was nothing in there on having a bad relationship with a cop who pulls you over and almost arrests you. God, what does that mean about our relationship?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Resist The Peacock

Tonight I discovered a remarkable tragedy. NBC has canceled The Black Donnelly's. What is worse is that I had no notice, no time to prepare, no transition into my now empty existence on Monday nights. I had no idea until I turned on the tv and where my hottie mobsters once were there was a woman in an outlandishly tacky blue dress singing on a stage. Seriously expect to get higher ratings with this?

Please join me in banning NBC from your televisions. Honestly it probably won't be too hard. Who watches NBC anyways anymore? The only thing worthwhile is ER and I can wait until the season premieres on TNT.

For the record this is the FOURTH show that has been arbitrarily pulled from my television causing me to fall into a deep pit of viewer depression. First Reunion, then Summerland, then the OC, and now this. Maybe God is telling me to ply outside more. Sigh.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Mountain Woman

For the record- for those that have implied that I went hiking against my will or that I am in some way or another are right. BUT I did not whine once. And I have references.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I'm in love with my news man (or men)

I have decided to apply to win a trip with Nick Kristoff. I am over being mad at him for not respoding to my emails. Though I wonder if my application will be tossed aside like those messages. Nick if you're reading, I only write them because I love you.

For those not privy to my bedroom television habits, I have remained faithful in my ban against Anderson Cooper. I figure by losing me as a viewer his ratings will go down and he will return to his home of covering real news and forget about following the drama of Anna Nicole Smith. Seriously Anderson, please come back. I figure by summertime I might be able to once again see life in a 360 view. That is enough time for my anger to blow over. Though I have been secretly looking at his book cover every night before I go to bed so I won't forget his dashing blue eyes.

Oh yes and snow will be hitting us again soon. My enthusiasm rates right up there with my love of being stabbed in the eyes with toothpicks drenched in pickle juice and fart smell. Ugg...only five more weeks in this city of bitter bitter coldness.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Silver Lining

I hate mornings like these. The ones where it is impossible to drag yourself out of the comfort of your cocoon of blankets and actually have to function for the next fourteen hours with some intellect. The ones where there is little light entering your bedroom, creating the sense that it is still 4:00 am and you have two more hours of sleep, not the fact that it is actually time to arise and face not only the morning, but the rain. The ones where I am in dire need of coffee, but the very fact that I could not get out of bed results in the mad rush to class, sans caffiene. The ones where people decide they have no idea how to drive and traffic is backed up because merging is a concept lost to them on their morning commute. The ones where I finally get the opportunity to quench my thirst for liquid life and I realize I forgot my debit card and have a single dollar bill to last me throughout the day.

But I love morningss like these. Mornings that make me grateful for the snooze button on my alarm clock. Grateful for my adorable rain boots. Grateful for the homeless men who direct traffic on my freeway exit. Grateful for my wonderful friends who not only buy me breakfast, but give me cash for the rest of the day.

God has a funny way of showing me my blessings. That guy has a great sense of humor!