Monday, April 02, 2007

The Silver Lining

I hate mornings like these. The ones where it is impossible to drag yourself out of the comfort of your cocoon of blankets and actually have to function for the next fourteen hours with some intellect. The ones where there is little light entering your bedroom, creating the sense that it is still 4:00 am and you have two more hours of sleep, not the fact that it is actually time to arise and face not only the morning, but the rain. The ones where I am in dire need of coffee, but the very fact that I could not get out of bed results in the mad rush to class, sans caffiene. The ones where people decide they have no idea how to drive and traffic is backed up because merging is a concept lost to them on their morning commute. The ones where I finally get the opportunity to quench my thirst for liquid life and I realize I forgot my debit card and have a single dollar bill to last me throughout the day.

But I love morningss like these. Mornings that make me grateful for the snooze button on my alarm clock. Grateful for my adorable rain boots. Grateful for the homeless men who direct traffic on my freeway exit. Grateful for my wonderful friends who not only buy me breakfast, but give me cash for the rest of the day.

God has a funny way of showing me my blessings. That guy has a great sense of humor!

1 comment:

Regular Joe said...

Babe you are such a total mooch, how lucky you are to have such good friends to just hand over their cash. Damn I gotta find me some people like that.

