Monday, December 03, 2007

Baby It's Cold Outside

Thermal underwear? Check. Gloves? Check. Snow Boots? Check. Our first snow? Oh yes! Boston is covered under a beautiful blanket of white snow! Last night I opened up my shades, lit the candles in my fireplace, turned off all noise and sat in the warm bathtub just listening to the snow fall outside with a cup of hot tea. It was one of the most relaxing and blessed moments of my life!

Cut to this morning when I had to walk through slush, get sprayed with snow by people driving too fast, get caught under heavy snow while walking to the T and of course having my coffee get cold WAY too soon because of the freezing temperature.

Still, as much chaos as the little white flakes cause this city, I don't think I could ever grow tired of the moon glistening on my white lawn or the branches frosted with snowflakes. It really is beautiful. Mark my word, someday I will have a Winter Wonderland Wedding.

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