Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Nigel, you know Nigel Barker, my husband? Ya he's now saving seals. How freaking adorable is that? Yup the ORIGINAL hottie photographer (now will be referred to as OHP) is in Canada documenting the birth and then the slaughter of the seals. I never really cared about them before. The seals that is. But if they are allowing Nigel to be out and about and me to see hot pics of him than I say we save the little squirts.

On the topic of hot guys doing cool things...the hot stripper guy from American Idol just busted out "It's All Coming Back To Me" So the vocals weren't as great as Celine's (I mean come on..it's Celine) but how amazing is it that a hot guy-who I swear is not into guys- totally rocked her ballad? AHHHH...I just realized Celine is Canadian. UGH! But she's from where they speak French. That doesn't count. Ok. I'm better now.


Anonymous said...

Is this how I am finally going to reach you?! By trading our love via bad music on AMERICAN IDOL - I'm already obssessed with this season. BUT - and WAY MORE IMPORTANTLY - I MISS YOU! Living without out you is not a life worth living...it's all coming back to me and I wish you would too!!! LOVE ya kiddo!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way...your first post on life after boston nearly brought me to tears. I'd totally be sold on my life after Boston if it involved you and a few other key loves of my life! ~D