Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Only In My Hometown

Does this happen:

1. I hear "Hot Damn is that Miss Del Norte walking through our door" (For the record it has now been 6 years).
2. I get a free lunch at Denny's cause the guy knows me and my grandma. While there I run into four other people I knew. Ok I knew the whole restaurant but only talked to four others.
3. At Glen's (the only other diner in town) they ask me if I want to put my lunch on my old boss' tab. Hell Yeah!
4. The high school quarterback is listed as one of the ten most influential people in Del Norte County on the back of a menu.
5. I run into people who I don't know who ask how Boston was, when my next story will be out and how my new bedliner is.


Anonymous said...

Sounds AMAZING, sweet girl! I'm jealous :) I realized the other day while hanging out with some "friends" that anyone who really knows anything remotely meaningful about me lives way too far away :( ... But work is good. Challenging for the first time ever, which has its ups and downs. Trying to keep it real on the weekends getting my flirt on, but otherwise...I talk to my plants alot. SO MISS YOUR FACE!!! xoxox

amy. said...

Hometowns... ya gotta love 'em! :)

Anonymous said...

oh toni, how I love you!!! I can't believe it has almost been a year sense we snuggled in you HUGE bed in Newtonville. I miss ya and I am pray'n for you too!!!